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Gray Structure

“Helping a young person bring their dream of singing to life is the greatest reward.”

“Since 2006, teaching adults and children in Southwest Michigan the many techniques and styles I have learned in my education, performance and travels has been a unique joy for me. Improving techniques, abilities and performances through their hard work in lessons, getting to know their families, and seeing many of them go on to even greater heights at the collegiate level and beyond really encompasses so much of what I love about the art form of singing, as well as what community and performance can do in tandem to round out one’s experience right here at home. I owe so much of my own teaching to my past pedagogues and coaches, it is truly my honor and, I feel, my duty to pay forward that teaching and continue to watch others embrace and pass it on someday.”


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Leo Carmody

Knowing Paul for over 11 years, I feel as if I could write a novel on the mentorship and unparalleled educational monuments Paul is able to provide and nourish a young artist with.

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Lauren Kunkel

He sets a standard for his shows and his students that is above and beyond any other that I’ve seen at a local or college level and I treasure the fact that I got to be a part of those experiences.

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Aiden Ankli

Paul is the single reason why I pursued a career in theatre. He helped me find my way to a career in performance while always encouraging me to stay humble and hardworking. 


Madison Jackson

I absolutely love taking lessons with Paul! Every lesson is very fun and informative! Paul is great about taking what you want to work on and pushing you further than you ever thought you could go.


Paul Mow Tenor All Rights Reserved © 2023 

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